Hypocrisy On The Radio From Bubba

No emotional investment from the fans because the audience doesn’t care about the talent. Why doesn’t the audience care? Either the talent is told to perform true nonsense (in TNA) or the majority of the talent is built up a little to simply wind up as coal being thrown into the “main event guy’s” furnace.

The same thing happens in radio… if you love radio, you are considered a mark. Programmers fear talented jocks because they know the programmers are full of crap. All the focus is on the two main dayparts, while midday’s, nights, overnights and weekends die from voicetracking and no investment being made in the future. Programmers are happy because station or cluster management view them as the stars, even though most programmers are talentless nerds who couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a carton of cigarettes.

On satellite radio, Sirius XM, whose management is mainly comprised of former terrestrial radio bigwigs, has paid boatloads of cash to stars such as Oprah, Martha Stewart, Jamie Foxx and others, in hopes of getting fans of those stars to become subscribers and loyal listeners. In wrestling, TNA pays Jersey Shore’s J-WOWW $15,000 but makes zero investment in the future by forcing tryout wrestlers to pay their own way. The idea to get Oprah viewers to become listeners? Not enough to equal the millions upon millions that have been paid. Howard Stern is the only talent who brought his audience with him to Sirius.