Random thoughts: Marks, Tommy Fierro, and Punk

*I’ve come up with a new term for some of the posters in the forums of wrestlezone.com. “Schmark.” That’s what you get when you combine a schmuck and a mark. What is a schmark? Someone who condescendingly posts while thinking that he actually knows more about what goes on behind the scenes in the wrestling business than I do. I sometimes find myself wanting to go off on a long-winded rant of a post on these guys, but then I find myself wondering why I would give them that much of my time, when one of my co-workers might read it and say, “Why the f*** do you waste your time with those imbeciles?” Well, I get paid by this site, but I realized I don’t get paid enough to have to repeat myself and explain my points over and over, when I explain my points so simplistically that your average layperson could understand them.

Here would be a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Say Tony Romo plays a football game and doesn’t throw a single pass and they run the ball every play and they lose the game 21-0 and it drops their record to 9-7 to end the season. The schmarks all scream, “what the hell are the cowboys doing? Not throwing a pass? Fire the coach!” Being one of the assistant coaches I explain that Romo has a 2nd degree shoulder separation and couldn’t throw. “Well, why didn’t you play the backup quarterback, you idiot?” Because he would have gotten a 1 million dollar roster bonus if he played another game. We’re trying to save money, and besides, we finished 9-7 and didn’t make the playoffs, and wouldn’t have even if we won, I explain. Your typical schmark would say,”Well, you wouldn’t have been 9-6 to begin with if you would’ve fired Russo as the coach and hired Heyman!”

*Tommy Fierro needs to have his editor password revoked. Two articles on back to back days?? I knew he would’ve came all over himself when Punk won the belt last night. But what I didn’t realize is that he would find time from masturbating over and over to the replay of Raw to write another article in such short time. Can’t we just give him an official Tommy Fierro thread where he can post raw angles on a daily basis, instead of treating them as newsworthy items on the home page?

I’m busting his balls, but he deserves it after his two previous angles: my return to raw, and the Edge Vickie Guerrero wedding. I would be willing to bet a million bucks that if you went to Tommy Fierro’s home you would find every WWF/WWE dvd ever made, every ECW dvd ever made, every CM Punk indy match dvd ever made, and probably over 100 Granny 60+ pornos. What is this guy’s obsession with having wrestlers fall in love with grandmas?? If you haven’t read his articles yet, give them a try, and let me know if you think this guy is perversely serious, or sarcastically funny. I can’t tell. I do know that most wrestling fans would agree that they would rather not see Mae Young and Linda Mcmahon on their tv screens each week as opposed to the Divas. I could be wrong, but i doubt it.

*Here’s what I thought of raw, even though I didn’t see it. I read it and here is my take. Great angle. If you’re going to have the MITB match, then you might as well make the winner do the logical thing and use it to his advantage. Do I think Punk will make a good champion? Why not? He’s no worse than anyone else they have. And therein lies the main problem with the state of the wrestling business.

THERE ARE NO TOP GUYS ANYMORE. Seriously, the separation of the top of the card and the midpack is distanced by a needle. In retrospect, There’s only been 3 top guys in the business in the last 10 years: The Rock, Austin, and The NWO, even though it was a group and not a guy, it still is what kept WCW on pace with Rock and Austin. And neither of them are in the business right now. The numbers don’t lie. When these three were on tv at the same time, wrestling’s ratings were through the roof. Now they’re gone, and look at the numbers. The numbers don’t lie. The guys that think they’re top guys were only top guys when they were working with The Rock, Austin, and The NWO. Now that they don’t have them to work with all you have to do is look at the numbers. Hunter doesn’t draw, Cena doesn’t draw, Orton, everyone, because the numbers over the past six years have gotten progressively worse. Maybe it’s not necessarily their fault, but the bottom line is that The Rock, Austin, and The NWO are head and shoulders above everyone when you put them in a conversation and using the term “top guy.”

So why not Punk? Will he draw, i.e. help ratings? Probably not. I just don’t see him compelling people on Regis and Cathy Lee. But I don’t see them losing ratings with him on top, because his resume when it comes to crowd response and ratings is no worse than any other guy they have. So we’ll see. I hope he gets a chance to prove himself, and I hope he isn’t a goldfish in a barracuda tank when it comes to playing the political game. In a perfect world, somebody in the WWE who has a fetish for granny porn will read Tommy Fierro’s articles on this site and make him head of creative. Then five years from now we will be able to look back and speak of The Rock, Stone Cold, The NWO, and CM Punk in the same breath. Oops! Forgot Kennedy, too. Well ,now that I think about it, he’ll probably have him fall in love with Mae Young and call the two of them The Punker ‘n Old Spunker. That was funny.