Random Thoughts

**I noticed that Kevin Macalhargey is trying to make a name for himself by challenging the views of wrestling’s most qualified and respected journalist, myself. FYI, Mr. Macalhokey, or whatever your name is, the only reason i didn’t respond is because you don’t put your columns in the editorial section where they can be archived for an extended period of time. I remember you said a bunch of crap which didn’t have any merit, but I wasn’t specifically sure what it was, so I can’t comment since the article is gone. I did remember that you agreed with me that Lance Storm was wrong about Shark Boy, so I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to accomplish. If you haven’t noticed, Chris “the self professed authority” Schulz doesn’t write for this site anymore (which kinda sucks because he was going to give a bunch of suggestions on how to improve TNA. Damn. Maybe I can pay him for them.) If you want to have your credibility ruined and end up in exile, than you can continue to try to challenge me. My advice to you would be to read what I have to say when I write my articles, and then publicly thank me for the wealth of knowledge which you get from them. Or you can continue to be a nerd.

**How stupid were the “Fire Russo” chants at the ppv? Well, you can put total blame for that on the internet wrestling fans for ruining a great opportunity for a hard working girl that has done nothing but cooperate and work hard since she’d been in TNA to gain some much needed sympathy, and for the Beautiful People to get some heat. Instead they start chanting the name of one of the members of the creative team, as if everyone in the audience knew who they were talking about. That’s your typical nerd, though, waiting six hours in line in 90 degree heat so they can be in the front row and chant “Fire Russo” to try to get themselves over to the dirt sheet crowd. That is a sad life indeed.

**I really enjoy Scott Hudson’s articles. He is as genuinely funny in person as he is in his articles. I can’t say the same for the new guy on this site, Tommy Fierro. Boy, does that guy love to write. He said he would appreciate feedback for his article. Here’s some feedback: Get your head examined if you think that Mr. Kennedy is the next SCSA through booking 101. No offense to Mr. Kennedy, but he ain’t Sreve Austin. I think Mr. Fierro must have been hallucinating when he was envisioning crowd responses when he wrote his college thesis length article on how to book Kennedy into the next top draw of all-time. IMHO, Shark Boy is closer to that spot than Kennedy. Good first effort by Mr. Fierro though, despite being just plain ol’ ridiculous.

**I noticed that John Cena has issue with The Rock for using wrestling as a stepping stone to make movies. Now he says that he has to answer questions all the time on when is he leaving wrestling to make movies, and he says it’ll never happen because he loves wrestling more. To translate that into layman’s terms, “Since I’ll never make 10 million dollars a movie like The Rock, I think I’ll just stick with wrestling.”

**Karen Angle might be one of the best actresses in wrestling. Is there any woman better than her on the mic? How many male performers are better on the mic than she is? She has great facial expressions and she speaks well, and with authority. There’s a reason she is on the show so much. Simply put, she’s one of the best in the business. Let’s not forget, the only experience Sable had before she got in the business was being Marc Mero’s wife, and she had some of the highest rated segments of all time. Some people come into this business and just have that “IT” factor from the get go.

**Alot of people claim that I tow the company line and can never say anything bad about TNA. I think that’s ridiculous, because all I’ve ever done is go into the forums and discredit specific erronious opinions from your typical internet TNA haters. I don’t talk about the specific things I don’t like because I don’t have to. So to discredit all of the fans out there that think I always tow the company line, I will admit that I wasn’t a fan of our last ppv. There were some glitches in some of the matches, and the show didn’t generate the type of vibe that you usually get from a TNA ppv. I guess it’s because our standards are so high when it comes to in-ring expectations, that I was a little disappointed in the show overall. In the big picture, 6 out of 7 good shows isn’t that bad of a batting average. I would expect the next one to be back up to standard.

**There is now a Columns section in the forums where you can discuss the brilliance and insight of this article. Intelligent discussion is welcome, which is a concept that most of the schmucks in these forums can’t comprehend.