The Cashbox: 5 Reasons Why Raw Disappointed This Week

I don't understand why Jim Ross doesn't schedule his sick days around WWE's annual visits to Oklahoma.  The risk of something bad, degrading, and/or embarrassing happening is just too high.   

WWE has put so much focus on the announce team in the past year, it makes you wonder how they've produced "any" quality television during that time.  Do they honestly think the majority of wrestling fans care about their drama, bickering and constant war of words?  If they don't think that, are they trying to make us care?  

Wrestling fans don't buy pay per views for the commentary, so what's the point?

Jim Ross's public firing on Raw is the type of thing that makes me question Vince's genius at times.  Ross is arguably the greatest wrestling commentator in the history of the business, yet Vince finds some sort of warped satisfaction in humiliating him publicly and more importantly, NOT using him behind the announce desk.  

What happened with Jim Ross on Raw is the equivalent of Eric Spoelstra making fun of LeBron James in front of a Miami Heat audience.  And "then" sending him home before game 7 of the Championship series.  Okay, maybe not, but you get the picture.