Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction For 3/8/12

AJ Styles comes out and talks about being in TNA for ten years. He is thankful for the friends he made, but knows some turned out to be foes. Daniels and Kazarian come out to interrupt. Daniels is upset because Styles made a name off of him, and Daniels only got in trouble and fired. Kazarian says AJ thought he was invisible. AJ is called a prick and he says he will associate himself with an asshole. Out comes Mr. Anderson who attacks Kazarian and Daniels escapes.

Alright, so it looks like Anderson finally has something to do. What is next for him and Styles? After they align together, where do they go from here? I wonder if Anderson will be a face for a while or pull the turn like he has done TIME AND TIME AND TIME again. Stick with one characteristic for more than a month or two. I would love to see Anderson succeed, but Styles is the more veteran and athletic star. This could be a good thing for both guys involved.

Grade: B+

Garret Bischoff and Jeff Hardy def. Gunner and Kurt Angle:

What I Liked:

Angle controlling the match was great. He still has it, even though he has lost considerable amount of muscle mass. The isolation of Hardy still protects the weakness and immaturity of Bischoff in the ring. It may just be me, but I was impressed with Gunner. He has a great look with a solid in ring performance. His strengths are power slams and suplexes, but is able to transition into some ground work. He does not have a premiere strength, but also does not have a glaring weakness. Hot tag to Garret was good to get the crowd going, and the end shows Hardy bailing out Garret.

What I Disliked:

Will Garret improve? It did not look like it to me. He has been stuck in the same spot for a while. I want to see him get more attention if they plan to keep him in this awkward main event spotlight. Garret needs to show that he should be here, rather than thrown here because of his last name.

Question of the Week: Do you think Garret Bischoff CAN be a long term star?

Grade: B-

Impact Wrestling Grade: B-

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