Title This: WWE Super Smackdown Reaction 4-10

Ryback def. Benny Carner:

What I Liked:

Once again, the same deal with Ryback. He has the look, the tools, and the ability to be great. It is a matter of time. He does not have a cheesy gimmick or something that the crowd is confused about. He is seen as a wrestler, a machine, and I feel like the crowd appreciates that.

What I Disliked:

It was too quick, too repetitive from last week, and will continue to be the same until he finds a feud. I hope that happens sooner rather than later.

Grade: C-

The Uso's def. Heath Slater and Tyson Kidd (w/Jimmy Hart)

What I Liked:

Heath Slater has a character! After months of being buried, it seems like Slater is going to get an opportunity to do something. Whether it works or not, time will tell. I enjoyed his part in the match, but I really felt like they should have beaten the Uso's. The match had a few nice spots, but it was all about Jimmy Hart and Mick Foley, who was doing commentary, after the match.

What I Disliked:

If you are going to throw two guys randomly together, you better make them win. There is no point because the win does nothing for Jimmy and Jey, it devalues how good Tyson Kidd is (poor guy) and it leaves a void in the show of booking logical stories. We all want to see a thriving tag team division, yet we get useless nonsense like this on a LIVE SMACKDOWN!

Grade: C-