Lesnar Putting The Fun In Wrestling

What’s funny about Brock Lesnar is that he is far from “kid-friendly” but he is going to get over with kids because he is larger than life, the one thing lacking from the current roster.

Brock also gets fans talking on the internet about wrestling as well. Web traffic on many of the most popular sites, such as Wrestlezone.com were up on both Sunday and Monday and without Brock, I doubt that would have happened.

Did Brock flip out after the match against Cena? Yes. Was it for show? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, it’s good for business because it blurs the lines and also gets water cooler conversation going. Fans could say, “The rest of that stuff is fake but man, Brock is for REAL!”

I have friends who are not in wrestling who ask me the “real” question all the time and two of them asked me if Brock beat up Cena for real. It’s that type of talk that starts to bring the casual fan back. I don’t think either of them watched Extreme Rules but talk amongst fans spreads.

Whether older fans are internet site devotees or just regular folks who watch occasionally when something intrigues them, Brock may be pulling them in as well. He can’t do it alone, as Rock needed Austin and vice versa. But, for now, that’s all there is.

One last thing… is Paul Heyman helping Brock, even in an unofficial role? I have no idea… I don’t know Paul or Brock well enough to be able to comment on their business or friendship but this feels like Brock to me. He always had an “old soul” when it came to the business of wrestling. A very private person and a raging individual, Brock does what he wants to do and isn’t shy about walking away.

As I said last week, Brock’s promo in that video package worked because it was Brock Lesnar, not a character. He is an asskicker.

Now every kid is going to want to be an asskicker this Halloween. The asthmatic dressed like Phineas or Ferb better not try to take the last Snicker bar when Brock Lesnar hits “trick or treating”.

But what do YOU think? @RealKevinKelly on Twitter.