The Cashbox: Live Impact, Flair/TNA, Ziggler, Orton Suspended


Ric Flair is likely on his way back to WWE. Go figure.

I feel Ric Flair will ALWAYS have a place in the wrestling business, provided he wants it and he's still breathing. However, WWE has to proceed with caution.

Flair absolutely goes off script from time to time. That's nothing new in the entertainment business. It happens all the time with actors, but it's only acceptable when the improvisation is better than the original script. These days, with Flair, that's rarely the case.

Does Flair still have "it"? Absolutely, but not as much as he once had. He's lost a step — maybe even three or four — but he's still valuable when put in the right situations. TNA couldn't figure out what those situations were; maybe WWE can.

Regarding the rumored pairing of Ric Flair and Dolph Ziggler as reported by WZ, I say "No"! That's an emphatic "no", by the way. I see no advantages moving Dolph away from Vickie if you're simply going to replace her with Flair.

Dolph will (and should) move away from Vickie sometime in the not-so-distant future, but that's the point he needs to be able to stand on his own two feet verbally. In the meantime, keep Dolph with Vickie.

I'm not sure Vickie isn't even a better talker than Flair at this point. At the very least, she's a better fit FOR DOLPH.