Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction For 9-13-12

Bobby RoodeBobby Roode Returns

What I Liked:

The former champion returns to Impact and talks about how James Storm has been riding his coat tails for years. He talks about how he does not deserve to be in the main event of Bound For Glory. Storm comes out and attacks Roode, punching him in the face multiple times. He chokes him with his tie, and the commercial break comes. This was really solid. They have the history behind them, the feud, and the jealously that pushes the two in a classic bout. This has been building up for months and months, and we are finally going to get the payoff. We will get a classic bout, and this is just the beginning of three more weeks until Bound For Glory.

Grade: A

AJ Styles Defeats Kazarian

What I Liked:

This was a pretty decent match between the two guys, who know each other very well. The action was fast paced, with Kazarian really taking the beating throughout the match. I loved the modified DDT from Styles on Kazarian, as Styles continues to adapt his game to whomever he faces. The match continues on a solid path until Styles connects with a flying elbow, a Pele Kick, and a Styles Clash in succession for the victory.

What I Disliked:

I am not sure if I want to see Styles and Angle face Kazarian and Daniels AGAIN. They have really lacked the ability to make an interesting story, and no, Claire was not interesting. What are they fighting for? Is it revenge, or the glory of holding the Tag Team Championship? Let's face it, they need to utilize Styles and Angle, and have nothing else for them to do right now.

Grade: C+

-Hogan is backstage with Brooke and tells Joseph Park to look out for her.