Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-4

Samoa JoeSamoa Joe Defeats RVD To Retain the Television Championship

What I Liked:

This was a solid match from two guys who know how one another operates. Great quick action between RVD and Joe. Some of the highlights included Joe throwing RVD into the steel steps. Both men fight more than wrestle, and they did a pretty good job with it. RVD gains the offensive advantage with Rolling Thunder, and kicks to the stomach. As the match progressed, Joe used his strength to really get the upper hand. The pacing was great in the match. It never got to a point where it slowed down and became uninteresting. Joe hits an AMAZING Muscle Buster out of nowhere. That was impressive and looked explosive.

What I Disliked:

This could be a good fit for Joe, but what does it do for RVD? A clean loss for RVD could hurt him more than help. There is not much for him to do right now, and he could be used with Sting instead of this. Nonetheless, it was a great match.

Grade: B+

-Bully Ray says he needs to prove himself to Sting. He wants to face Hardy, and Aries gets pissed off at him. The jealously boils over, and then Hardy says Triple Threat Match.

Chavo Guerrero Defeats Kurt Angle

What I Liked:

Well, technical wrestlers take center stage. Angle and Guerrero exchange suplexes clotheslines, and other basic moves. Angle slowed down the pace with some submission to focus on his abdomin. A Tilt-a-Whirl Suplex looked great, but the pace changed with Chavo taking over. He would hit the Three Amigos, but Angle reversed it with German Suplexes. The match had a great sense of timing and flow. The crowd was into it, and Chavo gets a quick roll up for the win. I liked this, especially since everyone expected Angle to win. TNA is letting Chavo wrestle, and that is what he does best. This is a positive career move for Chavo, and could really do some good things. He is never going to me a main eventer, but this is a great spot for him.

What I Disliked:

I am beginning to get sick of Angle being wasted in the tag team division. The end had tag teams in the ring, but the champions laughed from the stage. There needs to be chaos, not consistent talking and running away.

Grade: B+