Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-18

Jeff HardyJeff Hardy and Austin Aries

What I Liked:

This was an excellent segment for Aries and Hardy. The champion gets his pomp and circumstance, but it was quickly interrupted by The Greatest Man That Ever Lived. Aries carried this segment in the ring with his quick wit, his sarcasm, and the ability to pander to the crowd. He talks about how Hardy deserves the win, how he gets his new created title, and the fact that all the pressure is on him. This was an underlying dig that Hardy, no doubt, about his blown chances before. You really feel the hatred between the two guys, and I think anyone would pay to see these guys go at it again. Hardy does not take his sarcasm well, knocks the balloons and cookies out of his hand, and hits a Twist of Fate. Well done from both guys, even though we all know Hardy lacks the mic skills. It has never bottled him down before, so take it for what it is worth.

Grade: A-

Kurt Angle Defeats AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

What I Liked:

This match was for a chance to face Jeff Hardy next week on Championship Thursday. The match was great, and what else would you expect? Angle and Styles were able to attack Daniels early in the match. Styles picked up the pace in the match with a Springboard Forearm onto Daniels on the outside. Styles attacked him over a hurt Kurt Angle, who was lying in the ring. Back in the ring, Angle gains the upper hand with a fierce T-Bone Suplex on Daniels, followed by Styles hitting a Pele Kick out of nowhere. Styles rolls Daniels in, but Angle steals the victory. I loved the interaction at the end of the match with Angle and Styles, as Styles looks pissed off. You need to have more feuds brewing, but the focus remaining the TNA Championship. This will benefit both guys.

What I Disliked:

Why was Daniels in this match? He seemed a little out of place and was did not have a legitamate chance to win the match. I fear that him and Kazarian are going to be used to get everyone else over, when they should focus solely on the Tag Team Championships. Also, Angle and Styles will begin to feud shortly, but how is one of them a heel? The crowd loves them both, and there is no need for a true heel right now aside from Bobby Roode. That is what Aces and Eights are trying to do.

Grade: B-

Joey Ryan introduces himself to Hulk Hogan. Matt Morgan gets in Hulk's face, and says that he is going to shove all the creative writers up his ass. This was an excellent way to get Morgan TV time without having to take away from someone else. He was a big story at Bound For Glory, but not the biggest.