WWE Hell in a Cell

WWE Hell in a Cell: What Did & Did Not Bother Me

What Did NOT Bother Me: The Finish

During last night’s VOW Reaction, I had several people tell me that, despite being upset about the main event finish at first, our analysis and explanation made them think differently about the situation. It might not have been the best possible result they could have come up with for the finish, but it really wasn’t as bad as one might think. Let me elaborate:

Here are the things “I” thought WWE needed to accomplish going into last night’s pay per view:

1. CM Punk needed to leave with the WWE Championship

2. Ryback needed to keep his streak in tact

For now, they only got one of those two things right. However, I think the ref screwjob gives them a way out when it comes to the loss on Ryback’s record. I fully expect them to have the loss overturned, whether it’s by Vickie or Vince. It might be a cheap way to do it, but at least it gets done.

I know there were some of you wanting Ryback to win the title, but I’m really not sure why. It’s way too soon for that and CM Punk is the proven, more valuable asset. Plus, if Ryback did win, he would have to lose it before Rumble. He was never an option to face the Rock.

This is honestly the best of a bad situation. They keep the title on Punk, have a way for Ryback’s perfect record to continue if they choose, and can now go back and continue developing things at a more appropriate pace.

I never said it was ideal, but to be honest, they should have never put themselves in this position in the first place. It was knee-jerk solution to a temporary problem, and one that I bet Vince wishes he had back to try and do over again.

To hear Chris’s complete thoughts on the HIAC event, check out VOW Reaction from last night. You can follow Chris Cash on Twitter @ChrisCashSays or email him at chris.cash@wrestlezone.com.