The Worst Part of Lawler

Jerry LawlerDid anyone else have a problem with the WWE video package during the Lawler return? I did and it was the only part to me that was even close to objectionable. As someone who saw the Blackjack Mulligan heart attack angle in Florida first-hand, this was tame.

Back then, fans were led to believe that Mulligan really had a heart attack and it sucked and was horrible for business. But every promotion did stuff that didn’t work. Hell, they turned Eddie Graham’s suicide into an angle in Florida too.

I don’t have a problem with Heyman and Punk spoofing what really happened to Lawler. What I do have a problem with is the sickening way the WWE put themselves over with that self-aggrandizing timeline in that video. WE GOT IT, VINCE! YOU HELP KEEP THE EARTH ON ITS AXIS!

9:01, Lawler flops out of chair. 9:02, WWE has help on the scene. 9:05, Lawler almost dies. 9:06 WWE WON’T LET IT HAPPEN! DAMMIT! IT’S NOT HIS TIME!

The only thing good about the whole lot of them lately is @CrankyVince on Twitter. It’s a parody account that spoofs the whole McMahon family and business. The tweets of 140 characters are more creative and thought-provoking than anything the WWE has done in a long time. ALL CAPS TOO!

There are a large number of critics out there knocking Heyman/Punk and the WWE for allowing them to go so far, etc. I only had a problem with the only SICKENING PORTION OF THE SEGMENT!

I would be willing to bet that every fan who had a problem with the segment would buy a ticket if Lawler vs Punk came to their town. That was my other problem with the segment… it didn’t sell tickets but it would have in bunches. Lawler vs Punk would have sold out Louisville on Tuesday, Evansville on Wednesday, etc…But even if the WWE wasn’t going to the old Memphis towns, it would draw because that’s how wrestling works.

Punk is over for sure and did something dastardly on Raw but he’s facing Cena. Who’ll get more cheers at Survivor Series? McDonalds sells a lot of hamburgers but it’s hardly good food.

Vince McMahon threw up his hands in 1997 and asked for help. Vince Russo was the only one who stood up in a meeting of the biggest voices in the WWF and said “let’s do something different!” You can love or hate Russo but what he did in that meeting set the stage for a huge run of ratings success.

Why won’t Vince do that again? I guarantee there is one voice who would speak up. One person would step up and say “let’s do something different AGAIN!”

I agree with Madden. It’s a joke right now and it’s only the WWE’s fault that it’s not good.

Fix it, Vince.

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