Stars in Progress: The Rock Returns, James Storm, Zack Ryder

Zack RyderZack Ryder – One Step Down

It's hard to go down further when you're already scraping the bottom, but Zack Ryder has managed to find a way. News of his YouTube show coming to an end can't be a good sign of things to come for the internet darling and former US Champion.

His internet presence is the thing that made him relevant in the first place, and it's what has kept him relevant when WWE officials have failed to do so themselves. I, personally, may not be the biggest supporter of the WWWYKI movement, but it's impossible to argue the fact it exists. It's apparently not too hard to ignore, however, if you're Vince McMahon.

The idea that WWE hates stars being created outside of their little system has never been more evident than in Zack Ryder's case. You would think that type of effort would get rewarded – and it does in most walks of life – but in Vince's world? Not a chance. If he didn't think of it, he doesn't exist.

Some of the commenters on WZ think Zack Ryder's release could come as a result of his show ending (if, in fact, it does). I don't agree, unless it's something HE decides to do. Vince may not take full advantage of Ryder's self-made growth and credibility, but he'll certainly use it to put over his own creations as long as he can. Plus, Vince isn't stupid enough to let an obvious fan favorite go like that.

Ryder has a position as a "put over" guy for as long as he wants it. The only difference, and the reason he's taking a step down, is that he may not have his social media outlet to save face while he continues being buried on TV.