WrestleMania 29

Stars in Progress: Taker/Punk Controversy, The Shield, Cena

It’s going to be a crazy-busy rest of the week, but I’m looking forward to it. Check out my buddies putting on an official, unofficial WrestleMania 29 Pre-Show this Saturday afternoon at 1:00pm EST. They will air the show live this Saturday on WrestleManiaPreShow.com. Dr. Tom Prichard is the special guest co-host, along with Jordan Coulson of Vegas Fuel TV, the Wrestle Reaction crew, and Andrew Zarian of GuysFromQueens.com.

Nick Paglino and I are planning to do a post-WrestleMania video feature as well that should be posted sometime Monday, so keep an eye out for that!

And now, on to the stars and their progress for this week:

The Shield – One Step Up

This match between The Shield, Show, Sheamus and Orton is certainly in my personal top three reasons to watch WrestleMania 29 this Sunday. Someone is turning — it’s just a matter of who it will be.

Randy Orton is the only who I could see becoming a fourth member of The Shield if that’s the direction WWE wanted to go in. I see both the pros and cons of that situation, but I think I’m still leaning toward it being a good fit, IF WWE did right by it creatively.

Big Show or Sheamus could easily cost their team the match, but I doubt either man will join The Shield if they were to do that.

In either case, this match has piqued my interest and I fully anticipate The Shield to pick up the victory. They’re just cruising along right now and doing well. WWE is playing it a bit safe with them, but that’s better than them rushing things and screwing them in the long run.

They are one of the most consistent angles each week on Raw, and the more time they get to talk, the more I like them. Who cares about the ultimate payoff if the story being told “now” is still compelling?