Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction November 29th, 2013

Title This: WWE SmackdownThe Main Events

WWE Smackdown Ends in Fantastic Fashion

WWE Smackdown had about an hour and twenty minutes of garbage. Aside from the Mark Henry vs. Curtis Axel match, there was not much to enjoy. It was thrown together and random. The WWE Tag Team Championships were on the line as The Shield faced off against Cody Rhodes and Goldust. The match was spectacular. It seems like WWE is in the best stage, in terms of tag teams, since the late 1990's. Cody and Goldust are shining and putting on 5 star matches each week. Seth Rollins shined tonight and showed his explosive and unique offensive skill set. It tells you so much about a guy when he continually adds new moves to his arsenal. I love the aggression from Rollins and the sheer power of Reigns. They need to be together for the time being, but still plant the seeds for a big push for Reigns.

The tag match, after an intense pace and action all over, is interrupted by Ambrose. Punk comes out and it is now a 6 man tag team match. This lasts a while until Punk is in control and tries to hit GTS on Ambrose. The lights go out and appearing are the Wyatt Family. The match gets interrupted when Harper, Rowan and Wyatt attack the faces. Goldust and Cody get beaten down and out comes Rey Mysterio and The Uso's. This sets up a massive 12 man tag team match. The faces end up getting the better of the heels at the end of the night, but the story told much more about winners vs. losers.

The future of the WWE is right in front of our eyes of close a rather meaningless Smackdown. We have the established guys like Punk and Goldust, but we also have the plethora of young talents that are holding their own. I try to rank these guys in some order of importance, but it seems too hard to do. You potentially have future world champions in Reigns, Cody, Bray, Rollins, Ambrose and Harper. It may take much longer for some of these guys, but you can see the beginning stages of young guys really taking over the company. There will always be a need for the veterans, especially since fans have a hard time saying goodbye to the past.

Jimmy and Jey are so much better now than ever. I used to bash their booking and for good reason. Now, they are being used in a much different capacity. They are the "other guys" that are saving the more popular faces. Rey Mysterio is still as good as he was five years ago. All 12 men put on a great story and made us realize that the future is so bright in WWE. Just give it time.

Grade: A

WWE Smackdown Grade: C+