Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Plenty of Filler Matches”

wwe smackdown reactionCesaro defeated Big Show via disqualification

Paul Heyman's newest client gets off to a good start on Smackdown with a match against Big Show. The match is slowed down when Cesaro is able to get Show in a headlock. Big Show controls the match with some shoulder blocks and clotheslines until Jack Swagger comes out and puts Cesaro in the Patriot Lock.

He fights off Swagger and ends up hitting the Neutralizer for the end of the segment. So it seems like Big Show as a small piece in the feud of Swagger and Cesaro. I am confused, though.

Show is a face, Cesaro is a heel? Swagger is a heel too? Who the hell are the fans supposed to connect to. They need to address this sooner rather than later. It is obvious the fans are behind Cesaro, so make a bold statement. At least WWE is not blowing off the Swagger vs. Cesaro split.

Score: 6/10

Rybaxel defeated Los Matadores

Talk about two teams with nothing in common. Speed and athleticism loses out to strength and size.Fernando and Axel have some good exchanges in the ring, including a spinning headscissors before hitting a leg hook DDT for a near fall.

Ryback is able to break it up. Axel finally hits his finisher on Fernando, who was distracted by the events going on outside of the ring, and picks up the win. All you need to know is that neither team is ready for a tag team title match.

When The Real Americans split, it gave an open spot in this division. Enter who? The Ascension. There is your new team, a team that's naturally heel and better characters and talent than the four we just saw.

Score: 5/10