“End of Days”: Why Wrestling is in Trouble, Lesnar’s Absence From WWE, Did Undertaker Hate Working w/Punk?, Much More

As noted, WWE is currently offering a free Network trial. But don’t be shocked if WWE ultimately goes in the opposite direction. If I’m WWE, I raise the price of the Network, maybe even drastically. The Network isn’t for the casual fan. WWE overestimated the number of hardcore fans, and the potential conversion rate of casual to hardcore. Seems like lots of WWE fans are happy with three hours of free TV on Monday and two hours of free TV on Friday.

Those who want more, and pay for it, might pay even more. They might not. But how else can WWE attempt to make up the revenue gap?

Then again, how can WWE justify raising the price? The quality of their ex-PPVs (b/k/a Sunday Night Raws) has diminished drastically, and the marks know it. Heck In A Cell redefined pedestrian. One “main event” recycled a tired rivalry. The other “main event” had two guys who aren’t ready, and ended with outside interference taking place in a cage, which negates the whole notion of the cage.

Sorry, but I won’t pay a little for that, let alone a lot.

But I’m not a mark. I don’t have to watch it. In fact, I prefer not watching it. Hardcore fans are addicts. The meth doesn’t have to be good quality. It just has to be meth. Dealers often raise the price just for kicks. Well, and to get more money.

WWE has a habit, too. It’s a failure habit. You might get to fund it.

If there’s another answer, I’d love to hear it. So would WWE, I bet.

It’s hard to believe more of you don’t understand just how bad WWE is, or how bad it’s failing. But the business has gone through so many wacky phases, I don’t blame you for not panicking. Except this seems like something beyond a phase.

As Jim Mitchell pointed out, wrestling is now watched mostly by fans that never experienced kayfabe. That shakes up the whole booking dynamic. Or maybe it makes booking impossible. Maybe disbelief can never be suspended.

Eliminating kayfabe made everybody believe they could do it. As a result, everybody tried. As much as I appreciate the characters of Daniel Bryan and CM Punk, and as popular as they were, did they really increase business? Or did their size expose the business further, again crippling suspension of disbelief? A lot of veteran wrestlers think so. I’ve been told by several sources that Undertaker hated working with Punk. Nothing personal, but the size difference looked silly.

You have to believe it’s a fight, and you have to believe either guy can win. ‘Taker was the towering face. Punk was the tiny heel. How does ‘Taker look good? Where’s the payoff in that mismatch? ‘Taker = babyface bully. Contradictory.

I’m rambling here, and putting far more effort into this than I’d planned. But WWE is struggling, and the problems seem deeply rooted.

This has the potential to end very bad. Some financial experts seem to think the McMahons could sell WWE, but I can’t imagine that while Vince is alive.

But the way things are going, all bets are off. WWE Network was a big gamble. So far, it’s been an abject failure. How can WWE dig out? Whenever you see a product being given away, even on trial, it smacks of desperation.

Do you see that next BIG STAR on the horizon? I don’t. I’m talking Austin level, or Rock level. I don’t see anyone close. Nope, not Roman Reigns. Even if Reigns was close, he won’t have a chance if all the part-timers come back at ‘Mania. Reigns will languish in their shadow. WWE needs a game-changer.

Even that might not be enough. You reach a point where things are just too far gone. Where the rot is permanent. Over 4 million watched Raw this week. Is that good when the show is that bad?

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