All Out

AEW All Out Results – Jericho Wins The World Title, Bucks & Lucha Bros Go To War, Santana & Ortiz Debut

AEW All Out Results – 08/31/19

The Buy In

Casino Battle Royale 

Nyla Rose, Priscilla Kelly, Faby Apache, Leva Bates and Chandra Royale start out the match, with Leva using some books to stay alive after she gets sent outside. Nyla ends up clearing the ring before Leva comes back in, but Nyla sends her back outside as Penelope Ford, Shazza McKenzie, Sadie Gibbs, Big Swole and Britt Baker are introduced. Ford runs in and dropkicks Nyla, then she connects with a back handspring in the corner and wanlks into a discus forearm by Swole. Shazza takes her out, but Baker kicks her in the head, then Shazza connects with a running knee before she tosses Baker over the ropes. Baker hangs on and pulls Shazza over the ropes, and grabs her by the throat before dumping her outside. Swole bulldogs Nyla, but Nyla regains the upper hand and sends her to the apron before hitting a Uranage on the ramp to eliminate her. The next group’s countdown is over, but they don’t initially appear… Tenille Dashwood, Ivelisse, Bea Priestley, Brandi Rhodes and Awesome Kong then make their entrance, and Baker rushes the ramp and takes out Bea, then Ivelisse and Tenille attack Gibbs before Ivelisse sends Gibbs into the corner.

Tenille kicks Ivelisse and whips her into Gibbs, and she connects with Taste Of Tenille before Kong levels her with a shoulder block. Kong eliminates Ivelisse with a Uraken as the next group is out, and Teal Piper, ODB, Jazz, Allie and Nicole Savoy make their way to the ring. Savoy tries to stand off with her but Kong whips her into the ropes, but Savoy saves it and hits a tope suicida through the ropes before going after Baker on the floor. ODB goes for a toast and gets caught in a sleeperhold by Teal, then Nyla whips Savoy outside and Kong quickly throws Piper outside. Nyla and Kong stand off before they tie up, but Jazz breaks it up and says she wants a piece of them. ODB also gets involved and they all start slugging it out as the final entrant, the Joker, is revealed to be… Mercedes Martinez.

Jazz gets thrown by Kong, and Brandi is also thrown outside before Martinez enters the ring. She hits a Northern Lights suplex and a German suplex on Gibbs, then connects with some uppercuts on Bea before hitting a Curb Stomp. Nyla attempts to attack her but Martinez lays her out with a Saito suplex, then Allie picks Martinez up and hits a Death Valley Driver. Allie goes for a monkey flip in the corner but Nyla runs in and dumps her outside, then a springboard lariat from Gibbs takes Nyla down before Bea slugs it out with her. Gibbs gets whipped to the apron and tries to skin the cat, but Bea shoves her back outside to eliminate her before getting back into it with Nyla. Baker hits Martinez with Sling Blade, then Bea tries to hit Nyla with a leg lariat, only to get slammed on the mat before Nyla connects with a running knee. Bea tries to eliminate Martinez and Baker, then Bea hits a springboard strike on Martinez before Baker superkicks her from the apron to eliminate her.

We’re down to Nyla, Britt and Bea, and Nyla immediately gets caught with some superkicks before getting thrown over the top rope. She’s able to hang on and ends up hitting a cartwheel kick on the apron, then she splashes both opponents in the corner before Baker hits Bea with a Canadian Destroyer. Baker ends up kicking Bea off of the apron to eliminate her, and Baker goes to square off with Nyla, but Bea jumps up and helps pull Baker outside, giving Nyla the win.

Winner – Nyla Rose

Private Party vs. Angelico & Jack Evans

Evans runs into a knee by Quen, then Evans leapfrogs Kassidy and connects with a corkscrew kick to the head of Quen. Angelico tags in and gets a near fall, then he whips Quen into the ropes and tags Evans as they hit a double team backbreaker off of the ropes. Angelico goes for a springboard move but Quen sidesteps and Kassidy hits a Coast To Coast, then Kassidy takes Angelico out on the floor with a springboard moonsault. Kassidy gets back in and hits Evans with a springboard splash for two, then Quen hits a big shooting star press before Kassidy gets a close two count. Angelico comes back with a low enziguiri before Evans connects with a kick and an assisted standing 450 splash, then Angelico tags in and sets Kassidy up for a top rope move. Quen stops Angelico as Kassidy goes after Evans, and both Quen and Kassidy go for superplexes in opposite corners before they rush over to the opposite corner and hit reverse ranas on their opponents before hitting Gin & Juice for the win.

Winners – Private Party

Angelico and Evans attack Private Party after the bell, with Angelico hitting a Death Roll on Quen as the crowd chants “party poopers” at the duo.

– A promo for Wardlow is played, where he beats the crap out of a bunch of guys on the roof of a building.

MJF talks to Jenn Decker backstage about not having a match tonight, and he says he’s there to help his friend, Cody Rhodes. He calls Shawn Spears a piece of shit, and MJF scoffs at Jenn asking what if Cody doesn’t pick him to be in his corner.