WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (6/4/21)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results

June 4, 2021

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman

Reigns is showered with”Roman sucks” chants. Reigns says he’s very direct about how he’s feeling. Last week he wasn’t happy. But after talking to Heyman he feels differently. Reigns is a giver and he is allowing this tag team title match to happen.  If Jimmy says they are going to win, they better. Reigns tells Heyman to bring him his cousins.

Heyman stumbles all over himself to yell at the production crew to hit the Usos music. Jimmy and Jey join Reigns in the ring. Reigns tell Jimmy to acknowledge him. Jimmy says he already did when Reigns choked him out at Hell in a Cell. Reigns sighs. Reigns tells his cousins that their entire family is watching. They better win. Reigns tells Jimmy to bring him the titles when it’s over.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: Rey and Dominik Mysterio (c) vs.  The Usos

Jimmy and Dominik kick off the match. Jimmy runs over Dominik with a shoulder tackle. Dominik lands a dropkick. Mysterio tags in and Dominik slams him onto Jimmy for a near fall. Jey gets a blind tag and helps Jimmy blindside Mysterio. Mysterio takes Jey over with head-scissors. Jey tags himself in and helps Jimmy hit a  stun gun. Jimmy and Jey take turns working over Mysterio. Mysterio sends Jimmy out of the ring. Mysterio tries to slide under the bottom rope but Jimmy catches Mysterio and hits a Samoan drop on the announce desk.

After the break, Mysterio manages to make it to tag in Dominik, who takes out both Usos with a suicide dive. Dominik hits a rope walk DDT on Jimmy for a near fall. The Usos catch Dominik with a popup Samoan drop for a long two count. The Usos miss a double superkick. Dominik dumps both Usos over the top rope. Mysterio catches Jey with a senton off the apron. Jimmy superkicks Mysterio. Jimmy superkicks Dominik. Jimmy tries the Uso splash. Dominik gets his knees up. Dominik rolls up Jimmy and gets a three count but Jimmy’s clearly kicked out at two.

Winners and STILL SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Rey and Dominik Mysterio!

After the match, Jimmy argues with the referee. Backstage, Reigns is livid. Reigns tells Heyman to bring him his cousins now.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!