azteca underground

Report: MLW Signs Deal For Azteca Underground Spin-Off Series

Major League Wrestling continues to grow its lineup of content.

Raj Giri of Wrestling Inc. reports that MLW has signed a deal for a spin-off series that will focus on Azteca Underground, a storyline that has held an increasingly prominent spot on MLW programming in recent months. King Muertes and Dario Cueto, among other names, have been leading the way for this powerful force.

Giri notes that this show, tentatively titled “MLW AZTECA”, will be a weekly series with its own distinct roster, and it will premiere in the fall. MLW has been negotiating a deal for the series for almost a year. MLW CEO Court Bauer publicly discussed the series as early as May.

It is not currently known where the series will air.

Update: Mike Johnson of PWInsider states that the deal is with a streaming service, and an official announcement is expected near the end of the summer.

WrestleZone will provide more details as they become available.

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