Tommaso Ciampa Timothy Thatcher
Photo Credit: WWE

Tommaso Ciampa On Changes To NXT: I Don’t Know What To Expect, But It’s Exciting

With a drastically different logo and the recent [unofficial] announcement that the brand will be undergoing a “complete revamp”, change is in the air when it comes to WWE NXT. But former NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa isn’t worried about this “noise”; in a recent interview, he stated that he’s excited about what the future holds for what had been known as the black-and-gold brand.

While speaking with Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful, Ciampa shared his excitement about this new chapter for NXT and expressed his belief that change can be a good thing because it freshens things up. He also noted that he doesn’t know what to expect and pointed to the next live show on September 14 as the probable start for this next era. The former champion then acknowleged that no matter what happens, NXT will still feature the same talented group of performers, and it will still be run by the same minds who have been in charge of it.

“It’s exciting, man,” said Ciampa. “Change sometimes is for the best, and I don’t know, everyone’s been kind of keeping a tight lid on it, so I really just don’t know what to expect. I think the first live show is gonna be the 14th, I believe, if I’m not incorrect, with whatever this new look and image is.

“The overall feeling seems to just be excitement, you know, it’s new, it’s different, it’s fresh. And at the same time, it’s the same. Because NXT is NXT, man, and it’s the same roster, same group of guys and girls in the back, they’re just gonna go out there and give their best. It’s the same people behind the scenes, so it’s like, I don’t know. It’s hard to say right now, if it’s just a new paint job or what it is, but it’s exciting at the very least.

On an individual level, Ciampa explained that he doesn’t feel like a lot has changed; instead, he continues to keep grinding while he waits for the “chips” to fall.

“Not too much has changed for me,” said Ciampa. “There’s definitely a lot of noise out there, but as far as me and my life and my day-to-day, [I] just do the work and kind of let the chips fall where they fall.”

The full interview is available here:

RELATED: Tommaso Ciampa On NXT: You’re A Cog In The Wheel, It’s A Matter Of Being Adaptable And Making The Most Of It