soldiers of savagery
Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor

Being Overlooked Serves As Motivation For Soldiers Of Savagery; Team Wants A Shot At Violence Unlimited & The Briscoes

Shane Taylor Promotions doesn’t get a lot of attention in the stable warfare that continues to escalate in Ring of Honor. But if you ask Soldiers of Savagery, who reign supreme alongside Shane Taylor as the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions, they’ll force everyone to notice them, one way or another.

In a recent interview with WrestleZone, Soldiers Of Savagery’s Moses and Kaun made it clear that their body of work should speak for itself. They defend the gold as fighting champions should by putting the titles on the line against any and all comers. Plus, they continue to rack up wins in non-title matches against anyone who dares to face them. Eventually, this success will be undeniable.

“I feel like the cream rises to the top,” said Moses. “You can only go so long with being overlooked before you realize like, ‘Oh man, we’ve had this. It’s been here.’ But it shows, right? Like I don’t think too many people took us seriously when it first started. But then once we started defending these belts consistently and racking up dub after dub, it’s like, ‘Oh, they don’t lose. Oh, they’re actually beating good competition, they’re not backing down.’ So I mean eventually it’s gonna come to where either you recognize it or we make you recognize it. Which one do you want?”

“It’s definitely a motivator, and if anything, none of these other factions have really called us out by name,” Kaun added. “Other than maybe LFI just being Kenny King. But nobody else has really brought the smoke. So we’re here. They wanna fight, we can go.”

While Shane Taylor Promotions has waged war with La Faccion Ingobernable and battled The Foundation, the group has yet to fully clash with Violence Unlimited. During the interview, Kaun specifically expressed his interest in a match with the stable unofficially led by Brody King.

“We’ve faced The Foundation twice already, we’ve faced LFI, but we’ve yet to really touch gloves with Violence Unlimited,” said Kaun. “Like we’ve had a tag match against Homicide and [Chris] Dickinson, but we’ve never been in the ring with Brody King before, we’ve never been in the ring with Tony Deppen, so that’d definitely be a fun dynamic.”

That being said, Moses doubled down on his claim that Shane Taylor Promotions will face anyone; any prospective opponents just need to meet them in the ring/

“But in addition to that, we take any and all challengers,” said Moses. “We faced The Briscoes in a six-man match before, when they were teaming with EC3. If they wanna pick a third, no matter who it is, we can meet them in the ring.”

Watch our full interview at the top of this post. The Soldiers Of Savagery are in action on ROH TV this week against Dak Draper and Dalton Castle; full results for this week’s show can be viewed at this link.

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