WWE RAW Results (5/9) – Triple Threat for Title Shot


WWE RAW Results

May 9th 2011

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

RAW Opener:

Alberto Del Rio comes out and says his destiny was stalled by Edge, but he should face John Cena for the title. Rey Mysterio comes out next and he says he is just as worthy of the title, but Alberto’s destiny is to be Ricardo’s ring announcer. He wants to challenge Alberto to a #1 contender’s match, but Alberto says he has beaten him thousands of times. Miz and Riley come out next and he says he doesn’t care about the draft because this is still his show and it is still his title. If it wasn’t for Riley, he would still have his title, but Alberto says he had his shot and he needs to go to the back of the line.

Miz says he got the job done last week, but the biased ref reversed the decision, and he had no idea what Riley was doing. He says he hit Cena with the title so Cena couldn’t do it first, so he wants a legitimate rematch to take back his title. He tells Alberto and Rey they could fight each other in a Taco Bell parking lot for all he cares, because Miz is getting back his title.

R-Truth comes out and starts talking about how bad hospital food is, and he knows John Morrison is eating alot of it after the beating he gave him last week. He beat him so bad that Morrison is having surgery today, and he has no problem putting all of them in the same room with him. He says it doesn’t matter which one he has to do it to, because he won’t be waiting in line anymore and he will face John Cena, and that’s the truth.

Cole gets up and reads an email and says the GM listened to all of their arguments, but he thinks only three of them are deserving of the shot, and they will have a triple threat match tonight. Miz and Alberto and Rey will be in, and Truth flips out and says he is better than all of them, especially Rey. Rey says he actually agrees with the GM, and Truth shouldn’t be in the match, and that’s the truth. Truth gets pissed off and leaves the ring then starts talking to himself as he walks up the apron.

Miz tells Rey and Alberto to listen up, and he doesn’t care what they did on Smackdown, because he is the star. Miz says the next champion is… Ricardo interrupts and yells Alberto’s name! They start laughing but Riley goes after Alberto and Ricardo dropkicks him, then clotheslined by Miz. Alberto and Miz fight to the floor then Rey hits a suicide dive on them to send everyone retreating.