(Spoilers) WWE NXT Taping Results For 4/19

Report courtesy of Neryn Gaul and ProWrestling.net …

Dark Match

Beth Phoenix defeated Layla.

NXT Tapings

William regal comes out to huge pop!! All suited and booted! Along with Josh Matthews they assumed the commentary positions. Regal loving it! Really bad advert for WWE action figure airs on the big screen.

Still going with the NXT theme. Not too much of a pop for that. The NXT guys on the stage. Maryse with the lovely tits (from my mate Ant) randomly turns up. There is a big inflatable gladiator type thing on the ramp.

NXT redemption trailer plays. No pop whatsoever. Everyone clapping for no apparent reason!

Lucky cannon a bit of heat, Conor O’Brian small pop, Titus O’Neil big pop. Pugil sticks on gladiator style platforms. Maryse gets to pick winner of first round.

Byron Saxton vs. Conor O’Brian: O’Brian wins. Saxton hits light

Jacob Novak vs. Darren Young. Both fall off, but Novak wins by split decision

Titus O’Neil vs. Lucky Cannon: Titus DQed for some unapparent reason!

Maryse picks most obnoxious one as Lucky Cannon. (This is awful)

Cannon vs. O’Brian, who cares? Lucky sucks chant reigns out. Can’t believe anyone actually cares! Lucky DQed somehow. Novak wins.

Lots of cleaning up, there’s a red bus and a black cab. Very cliche! I should add that I am a little bit drunk! JTG in the ring from nowhere introducing Novak, but again no one cares. Blah, blah, blah loves being an American. "Who are you?" chant rings out. Takes a pop at Regal, calls Regal out to fight for his country. Koslov and his rookie come out and shout Novak down.

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