TNA Lockdown PPV Results – April 17, 2011

TNA Lockdown PPV Results

Report by Matt Boone for

TNA Lockdown Opener:

A cool video package opens the show. They highlight a number of cage matches and feuds leading into tonight’s show.

Number One Contender Match: X-Scape Match

Brian Kendrick does some weird Yoga stuff to open the contest. Starting things off in this one will be Suicide and Robbie E. There’s a lot of rapid tags that lead to the first Jeremy vs. Max face-off. Max tagged out before anything happened. A lot more rapid-fire tags lead to Robbie E. pinning and eliminating Suicide. Lethal is next to be eliminated a few minutes later by Amazing Red. Next to be eliminated was Red. Chris Sabin eliminated him. Sabin is next to be eliminated by Max Buck. Kendrick runs in and attacks Jeremy. Jeremy and Max are in the ring now and Jeremy is slamming him from one side of the cage to the other. Max eliminates Jeremy via inside cradle. Kendrick eliminates Robbie E. next. Max and Kendrick try and escape the cage for a while. The match ends when Max escapes the cage for the victory.

Winner: Max Buck

In-Ring Segment: Eric Bischoff

Eric Bischoff’s music hit and out he comes to the ring. Bischoff is pissing the crowd off. They’re not into this at all. Bischoff says he’s happy because tonight he’s going to put an end to Fortune and Christopher Daniels. Bischoff goes on a rant about how tonight Hulk Hogan is gonig to get his hands back on the title. Bischoff says he’s glad he gets to be a part of that. Crowd shits on him some more and that’s about it.

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