WWE House Show Results (4/14): Munich, Germany

WWE Smackdown live event (Munich, Germany)

Report by Yannick H. and ProWrestling.net

Justin Roberts interrupted our conversation. He welcomed us and said that the first match would be a Battle royal for an Intercontinental Title shot for later in the night.

1. Kofi Kingston won a battle royal. Brutus Clay, Jack Swagger, Ezekiel Jackson, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Trent Barreta, Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and Cody Rhodes were also in the match. The crowd was lame, but woke up at the finish

After the match, Justin Roberts wanted to introduce Layla and Kaitlyn for a Divas Tag Team match but he had some microphone problems.

2. Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly beat Layla and Kaitlyn. After Layla and Kaitlyn entered, Kelly Kelly’s music hit and Justin introduced her, but she didn’t came out. After that, Beth made her entrance and then Kelly’s music hit again and she came out. The crowd was very hot for Kelly. Layla had some fun spots in this match. Beth pined Layla after a Glam Slam.

There were more mic problems.

3. Jack Swagger beat Chris Masters. Jack won with an ankle lock. Some crowd reaction. The third mic problems occurred afterward.

4. Big Show beat Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater (w/Ezekiel) in a handicap match. Great reaction for the Big Show. No crowd reaction for The Corre. Ezekiel attacked Big Show before the match started. Ezekiel was banned from ringside. Standard heel action over Big Show. Heath was in when Big Show came back. He started a double choke slam, but both men came out. Big Show made a great counter and Justin was thrown out. Ezekiel made a run-in and fled out immediately. Big Show hit a knock out punch on Heath the victory. Great reaction for Big Show.


5. Wade Barett beat Kofi Kingston to retain the Intercontinental Championship. Kofi made fun of Wade’s Corre shirt. Wade interacted very good with the crowd. Kofi had some nice spots. Wade made some standard heel actions, like grabbing the title and running away. After some nice Kofi spots (super high drop kicks, jumping,…), Wade came back. After some missed spots, (Kofi tried to jump on Wade’s shoulder, but he couldn’t catch him right) Wade won after the Wasteland. This was the match of the night and the crowd was very hot.

6. Rey Mysterio beat Cody Rhodes. Great pop for Rey. Much the same as the WM27 Match, but after Rey hit the 619 he forced Cody to tap with a camel clutch (thanks to Till for the name). After the match, Rey played with the crowd for a long time (Justin Roberts was in the ring and watched bored for nearly ten minutes on his watch).

Roberts then thanked us all for the night and said the next match would be the last. He then introduced Edge.

Edge held a great promo about his last match,… as Alberto interupted. A short “What” chant broke out.

Edge said that he his sick of Teddy Long’s silly dance (funny) and that Teddy wasn’t there, so he would be the GM for that night. He introduced Alberto Del Rio’s opponent (I was so happy because I hoped that it would be Christian).

Kane came out and the crowd was flat. Edge said that the next match would be a crowd choice match. He gave us not really a choice cause the options were: best of three falls or Munich Street Fight, and the latter ended up being the match.

7. Kane defeated Alberto Del Rio. The crowd was nearly silent until a slam from Kane onto the ramp. Then a “tables” chant broke and Kane grabbed one from underneath the ring. He just grabbed a kendo Stick, which Alberto took from Kane and hit him with it. After a run in from Brudus Clay, both double teamed Kane. Alberto missed Kane with the kendo and hit Brodus. Kane started a chokeslam but Alberto came out with the Kendo Stick. Alberto applied the cross arm breaker, but Kane came out, too. Then Alberto grabbed a steel chair. Before he could hit Kane with it, Edge ran in and took it from Alberto. Kane hit the chokeslam for the win.

Edge thanked Kane and said “tad war it”. He meant “das war es” which means that was it. After that he played with the crowd and Chavo, Chris Masters, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phenix, and Rey came out to send the crowd home happy after two hours.

It was a fun night but it was only an average Smackdown show. The nice thing was that I was able to see Edge live. I think it was the last chance for me.