DVD Review: “YouShoot” Special With The Iron Sheik

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DVD Review : You Shoot With The Iron Sheik

Reviewed by Steven Wilson of MainEventRadio.com

If you’ve ever seen one of Kayfabe Commentaries’ You Shoot DVDs, then you know that featuring The Iron Sheik as the lead participant of the fan directed shoot interview could be the recipe for the alcohol induced insanity that we’ve all come to know and love from Sheiky baby”. However Kayfabe Commentaries specializes in offering something different with their shoot DVD releases. A couple of years back they offered up the investigative special "Rebuilding The Sheik" which gave us an inside look at the Iron Sheik’s life behind the character that has become known for its over the top drug addicted actions, and Kayfabe Commentaries You Shoot with The Iron Sheik DVD continues along that path as we get a much more somber and truth spewing Sheiky with just the right amount of entertainment to keep you laughing along the way.

A two and a half shoot interview with the Iron Sheik may often touch on alot of the same old things, but for once I found myself actually hearing and for that matter seeing things I had never seen before. For example, did you know that The Iron Sheik had a massive erection during his match with Hulk Hogan in Madison Square Garden in 1984? Ok that might of been talked about before, but for the first time on video Sheiky is forced to watch the footage and you get to see his reaction while host Sean Oliver giggles away at the sight of Sheik giving Hulk Hogan the camel clutch with a raging erection. It’s a sight thats hard not to laugh at. (Pun Intended)

Did you also know that Sheiky was once the spokesman for Toyota Motor Vehicles? If anything when Sean Oliver plays that commercial for Sheiky you realize how different of an era in professional wrestling we are in.

You may also not be aware that Sheiky once got his fellow WWF wrestlers to cut promos backstage for him for use in a court case as character witnesses where he was being sued for assault in Connecticut.

These are just some of the examples of a new twist in this installment of the You Shoot DVD series as Kayfabe Commentaries has finally figured out a legal way to feature footage they dont own the rights to on screen (God Bless You Tube by the way), and the best part is you are seeing Sheikys reaction to it.

Beyond that, this is still You Shoot, where the fans call the shots. The afformentioned videos were referenced to by fans, and beyond that we also get a wide array of the typical Sheiky related questions, but as eluded to, instead of getting Sheik’s rant filled insanity, he generally responds calmly and informatively, a nice break from the normal Sheik DVD. Some examples of this is when Sheik discusses the offer he had to break Hulk Hogan’s leg in their title match, Sheiky doesnt start screaming about Hulk Hogan being a homosexual or piece of excrement, instead we find out who exactly was making the offer and how much we was really being offered as it was not just Verne Gagne who was in on this all along.

We also get the hands down worst chapter on the DVD (just kidding Eric!) as super agent Eric Simms joins Sheik to answer questions from the fans that revolve around Sheiks relationship with his agent. We get to hear Sheik’s honest thoughts on Simms as his agent, and Simms thoughts on guys like Dan Mirade and their treatment of his client. Although informative, be prepared as you willl get annoyed by Eric Simms long winded answers!

Fans of the “crazy” Iron Sheik need not worry, you still get some of your classic Sheiky fix in this DVD, this includes moments such as whenasked who is a worse jew, his agent Eric Simms or the bible character Judas, Shiek responds by asking if Judas was the one who picked him up at the airport!

Sheiky also plays the typical you shoot games of what a dick, the ho bag, and whats in the bag and wraps up with an offer of sex from a hot “rat”, which seemingly gets his “Hogan erection” moving.

Overall 2011 has started off on the right foot for the Kayfabe Commentaries crew as they offer up a new and highly entertaining twist on a Iron Sheik DVD shoot interview. I found myself laughing out loud throughout, and the 15 minutes covering those 3 afformentioned videos easily made the DVD worth watching.

You Shoot with The Iron Sheik is now available from Kayfabe Commentaries, For more info or to order your own copy head on over to www.kayfabecommentaries.com, and to read my previous dvd reviews check out www.wrestlingdvdreviews.vze.com


When is Skip Sheffield returning….Jerry Lawler having his first WrestleMania match…Awesome Kong’s debut at the Royal Rumble….all of that and more on part 3 of the Chair Shot Reality!

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