EXCLUSIVE: Fan Email Claims Jeff Hardy Was “Exhausted”

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WZ received this email late last night, from a fan who wishes to remain anonymous. As conflicting reports concerning Jeff Hardy at Final Resolution continue to surface, this email provides a fan perspective who saw Hardy the night before the PPV.

"I felt like I should send someone an email about this. Not sure if everyone knows this, but Jeff was not in Orlando last night [Saturday night]. He was in the Detroit area doing a signing at a monster truck thing with Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal. He was totally fine at that event, which went to about midnight. He signed and took pictures with just about everyone. I had a vip pass for the event and was around him most of the night and didn’t see him drinking or anything else. I was also staying at the same hotel as him, which he came back to and went to his room early.

However, he was extremely tired. We actually spoke about it (him being tired) and made a joke how everyone says TNA has such a light schedule. He noted that he posted something on twitter before about TNA actually does have a hard schedule.

As for the schedule, TNA sent him on a 20 hour flight to the middle east after thanksgiving. The tour lasted until Wednesday. He then took a 20 hour flight home to Atlanta on Thursday, then had to connect back to north Carolina. He had friday off after all that, living with a new born, and then flew to Detroit for the monster truck deal on Saturday and had an early flight to Orlando Sunday morning for the ppv and 2+ days of tv.

Not sure about u, but I’d be tired also. It was also noted that hardy looked fine in his match with matt Morgan.

Sorry for the long email, but I hate to see Jeff’s name dragged through the mud for no reason.

I really think this was just a misunderstanding. With all the travel, he should have been dead on his feet."


Check out part 3 of the Chair Shot Reality featuring HHH’s return date, plus Daniel Bryan’s title reigns and more!

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