Jericho Talks Candidly About Nexus Angle Heading Into SSlam

The following is a quote from a recent Chris Jericho interview on The LAW radio show out of Canada.

In the following quote, Jericho shares his thoughts on The Nexus stable and storyline heading into this year’s WWE SummerSlam pay-per view.

I think it’s been a stroke of genius. I think it’s something that has got people talking and of course there are critics in everything and it’s your job to do that. I think the fact you took seven guys that no one had heard prior to February of this year and made them into the main event of SummerSlam with a viable, interesting, money making match I don’t think that’s ever been done in the history of the business. It worked, it’s worked better than anything we’ve done in awhile and I’m very excited to be a part of it, originally I wasn’t supposed to be a part of it and was supposed to be involved with someone else but that didn’t work so we started working on this. It’s great because you’re taking lighting in a bottle and more importantly now you have this cool dichotomy with this Cena team or Jericho team whatever you want to call it and Nexus is a well oiled pack of wolves and then you have a bunch of ego maniacs fighting it out to see who will be the leader of a team. It really is a great story with a lot of levels and that’s the best things we do in the WWE is have very involved and layered stories and this is one of those real cool ones that’s been going in for months and I don’t know if SummerSlam will be the culmination, it wouldn’t surprise me to see it go further but it’s a lot of fun to be a part of it, I’m enjoying it. Plus it’s really passing the torch and helping these guys and I keep telling them “this could be the biggest angle of your careers and some of you won’t make it out alive” and that’s really the truth some of these guys won’t ever be as over as they are right now so enjoy it and learn as much as you can and run with as much as you can because it might never happen again.

You can listen to the full interview on the official LAW website at