JR Blog: Speaks on Hogan/TNA, UFC 113 & Foley’s New Book

"Got an advance copy of Mick Foley’s newest book, release date TBD, entitled ‘Countdown to Lockdown’ and my friend Mick has penned another hit. I did not have the highest of expectations for this book considering what I perceived it to be about based on the title. I was wrong.

Mick covers a variety of wrestling topics including his days as a WWE broadcaster including his honest and candid thoughts on the experience. Mick also shares more than one compelling conversation that he had with Vince McMahon during those days. ‘Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy’ is an amazingly gifted writer and is always brutally honest with his innermost feelings and opinions on a variety of topics."

"Machida vs. Rua is the main event in a rematch of a fight that many thought Rua won but the judges felt other wise. Two things, bad outcomes can occur when fights go to the judges cards and even though I hope that Rua gets his just due I think that Machida will be very motivated to dispel the last match controversy and win conclusively. This one is hard to call but that’s what makes in ring products of all types interesting. "

"No….I don’t think that Hulk Hogan is a ‘traitor’ to WWE and to Vince McMahon because Hogan is working in TNA. Yes, McMahon did a great deal for Hogan back in the day but that was a reciprocal deal as Hulk certainly carried his share of the water in that relationship as well. Hogan is simply earning a living and it’s as simple as that to me. "