WWE House Show Results (3/19): El Paso, Texas

ionship. Miz came out asked for complete silence because he was going to speak. Said he is the reason we watch raw, massive heat. Christian, MVP, Evan Bourne and Miz. Awesome match. Christian kept pointing at MVP, Bourne, and himself and got great reaction. Would then point at Miz, loud booing. Great moves and flying. MVP was way over, surprisingly. Christian did a couple of flying moves. Evan bourne hit airbourne, awesome in person, on MVP. Miz threw out bourne and covered MVP for the pin. MVP chant as he got up. Left the ring and took bourne with him.

6. Tag match. Shamus and big show vs mark Henry and John cena. Massive crowd explosion for cena. Good match. Sorry not a cena fan. Cena hit his moves, you can’t see me, five knuckle shuffle, and Stf on big show after being distracted by hornswaggle. Hornswaggle ran around the ring for a bit pumping the crown with cena and Henry. Does heel kick and points at cena. Cena does heel kick and they point at Henry, Henry does heel kick and gets big cheer.

As best as I remember.

-Crazy CM Punk Fan