New Blog From Abyss: Talking Sunday’s TNA “Destination X”

The following is an excerpt from the latest online blog from TNA star Abyss:

It’s that time of year again everybody. It’s time for Destination X.  This pay per view is always one of my personal favorites.  In years past, I have had memorable moments and matches at this pay per view event.  Rhino and Jeff Hardy stand out as my most memorable opponents at a Destination X. Rhino and I had a falls count anywhere match that went all over the Impact zone that resulted in me getting "gored" off the balcony and thru four stacked up tables. Remember that??? Or how about Jeff Hardy and I competing in the No DQ match at Destination X a few years ago. Jeff Hardy hit the sickest swan dive I’ve ever seen onto me that night…from about 25 feet up in the air!!!  These memories, although strong, will be nothing compared to the memories and memorable moments that AJ and I will engrain on wrestling fans this coming Sunday night at Destination X.

Check out the full blog online at