What Shannon Moore Said on Impact, Funny Ventura Photo

Thanks to Bill Pritchard for sending this in: I don’t know if you can use this, but on Monday’s Impact, Shannon Moore said he was studying/reading the book of "Dilligaf". A lot of people didn’t really know what he said, so I looked it up and it is spelled D-I-L-L-I-G-A-F and it is an acronym for "Does It Look Like I Give A F*ck?" It was on urbandictionary.com if you need a secondary source.

Thanks to Tom Murro for sending in the following:

Jesse Ventura Zombie Now Haunting Toy Store

'If you were to come to Minnesota, I could have you locked up like
that. That's power.'

Once upon a time, America gave one of its top fifty states (Minnesota) to a teevee wrestler named Jesse Ventura. Many decades later, a simple New Jersey man met Barack Obama and suddenly started seeing famous people everywhere. And that’s why we are posting this picture of the animated corpse of Jesse Ventura, haunting the 25%-Off sale aisle at the discount toy shop, the end. [Celebrity Magnet]