ECW On SyFy Results – February 9, 2010

Thanks to Edward Kirby &

Dark Match

1. Jimmy Wang Yang and SLam Master J defeated Tyler Reks and Johnny Curtis. Back and forth early with the heels dominating the middle. Hot tag to Yang, who hit the moonsault on reks and won the match in 6:23. Fun match that the crowd was into.

They’re moving a bunch of people next to the hard camera around to make the arena look full.

ECW on Syfy Taping

A conference in the locker room led by Tiffany regarding NXT. She said it was a great opportunity for everyone.

1. Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust defeated Baretta and Croft in a No. 1 contenders match for a shot at the Unified Tag Titles. Back and forth early until the heels got the upper hand for a few minutes. Goldust got the tag and beat up on Baretta. Croft got in on a blind tag and hit a chop block on golddust. The heels dominated until Goldust rallied and got the hot tag. Yoshi hit a flurry of offense and picked up the pin in 9:45. The crowd was into the end. Pretty good match.

The Ted DiBiase Hall of Fame video aired and got a better ovation tonight than last night.

2. Ezekiel Jackson beat Harry Wallace. Wallace got to the ring during the break. Jackson came down with Regal. A squash finish in 1:20. Regal and zeke cuts a promo while I got moved to a seat on the floor. Couldn’t catch what they said.

A massive "who dat" chant broke out over the break.

Christian cut a backstage promo saying he would have an Extreme Rules match with Jackson next week.

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