ECW On SyFy Results – February 9, 2010

3. Shelton Benjamin defeated Vance Archer. Shelton cut a promo. Cheap pop for starting off with ‘who dat’. Wasn’t happy when he first came to ecw. Said young superstars showed him what it takes to get into this industry. Said he’d miss everyone but Archer.

Shelton got the early advantage. The fight went to the outside where Benjamin dominated more. Archer gained momentum when he speared Shelton into the side of the ring. Shelton blocked a shot from a kendo stick with a chair. Pretty cool. Archer got the upper hand again and rolled Shelton back into the ring.

A medic came into the ring to check out Shelton. Wow. What a way to disrupt the flow of the match. Back in the action they scrapped for a bit. Archer took off a turnbuckle cushion, and went to work on Shelton’s arm. After several minutes Shelton got momentum and his a couple of his spots on Vance. Benjamin hit Paydirt and got the pinfall at 10:23 by my count. A fun match that didn’t really stretch the no DQ stipulation.