Detailed Fan Report From Raw: What You Didn’t See & More

Thanks to Nick Tochelli for sending in this detailed live report from Raw tonight:

Upper Balcony behind the static camera was tarped off. Decent house otherwise.

I was disappointed when I missed bookended Brett Hart appearances (according to wz reporting he’ll appear on the 18th), but this turned out to be a great raw.

I would have bet Tyson would have gotten a ton of heat, but he was cheered all night. Tyson jacking Jericho’s jaw looked sick live.

After raw went off the air, tyson, dx and tyson’s son (?) posed in the ring and walked around slapping hands with everyone at ringside.

Then Justin Roberts announced the dark match of Cena v. Sheamus. Apparently, 30% of the audience doesn’t know not to leave until the ring announcer says good night.

Lame match. 10 seconds of brawling and then sheamus got himself counted out. Sheamus tried to leave ringside but Cena jumped him and threw him back in the ring. Sheamus went for the crane kick but Cena ducked it and hit the attitude adjustment and then posed in the ring.

On the stick after, Cena called Sheamus the pale white chia pet. Chant of you can’t wrestle (from my section) vs. Pro cena cheers from everyone else. He stopped his promo to make fun of my section who started the you can’t wrestle chant and claimed Minneapolis was nice enough to let Cowboys fans in a week early. Took more shots at the cowboys, and put over the Vikings. Sheamus came back out to attack Cena, but Cena floored him, hit a five knuckle shuffle and walked off.

Roberts says goodnight.

Couple signs near me:

Riff off the "misfits" skull mizfit

One of sheamus kicking hulk hogans dentures out

Smark  audience. Lots of kids cheering Cena, majority of everyone else booing.

My section was seemingly pro *everybody* and were vocally supporting everyone from Tyson, to Jericho one moment and then turned around and booed them the next. Weirdest audience ever.

Triple threat: certainly the match of the night. lots of people standing and cheering the whole match. Lots of pro Orton cheers on signature moves.

Biggest pops





Biggest heat



