EXCLUSIVE: TNA Creative Plans, Danielson Update, & More

I can confirm that Nigel McGuinness has signed with TNA officially and is currently backstage at tonight’s set of tapings.  The word we’re getting is that they expect to start using him as soon as possible.  As far as Bryan Danielson is concerned, he has not officially signed with TNA and it’s considered a 50/50 chance that he will at some point soon. 

We’ve spoken with several TNA employees since the Bound for Glory pay per view and although they hoped Sunday’s big event would shed some light on the creative direction going forward, it certainly did not.  A lot of the talent still have no idea what the general goal is for the future.  When Jeff Jarrett was sent home a couple of months back, many felt the politics and confusion creatively would cease, but that is not the case at this point.

Click on to the next page for a couple of potential spoilers we’ve heard going into tonight’s tapings.