Today’s Tweets: WWE Stars Chat w/ Each Other About Trades



The Bella Twins: @Hurricane Helms hahaha Guess you got lucky! we’re on our way home, but that would have been priceless! We’re gonna miss our Hurricane!

The Bella Twins: RT N2theIdoubleKIE Make sure you guys order the Holiday issue of WWE catalog featuring @The Bella Twins on the cover, & tons of new Divas appe

The Bella Twins: And yes we’re back on RAW! We’re very excited! We’ll miss ECW! 🙂 Peace Love & Twins! Besos! B&N

The Bella Twins: haha well let’s see how much fun you have in Mexico without us! 😉 RT@Chris Jericho geez you guys are acting like you got traded to mars

The Bella Twins: Wow at the SD airport and what is it about military men that is so cute! I love a man in uniform! Mmmm! Besos! Nikki

Layla El: RT @Maria: RT @sandwichjohn Please RT every1! Msg: Oceano AMBER ALERT 3yr old boy taken by a man driving a 06 mits eclipse plat …

Layla El: Gd morning…workout time! Goodluck to @Eve Torres @The Bella Twins I will Miss Ya Lots!!

Even more talk between WWE Stars and Divas about the trades on page four!