(Spoilers) TNA iMPACT! Results For This Thursday

TNA iMPACT! taping results for August 20, 2009!

TNA iMPACT! SpoilersBelow are TNA iMPACT tapings results for this week’s show from tonight’s tapings in Orlando. Thanks to Wrestling News World and Tim Capture:

* Dave Penzer introduces the Spanish announce team of Willie Urbina and Hector Guerrero. Mike Tenay comes out next followed by So Cal Val.


* Shark Boy b. Q2 with the Stunner.

* Jay Lethal b. Slugga with a sunset flip.

iMPACT, Airing Thursday:

* The opening pyro goes off as Taz comes out and joins Mike Tenay and at the broadcast table. Don West is not at the table so it looks like Taz and Tenay on commentary. The Main Event Mafia comes out in full force in the ring. Kurt Angle tries to speak but is interrupted by Matt Morgan. Morgan has an axe handle and is angry about what happened at the pay-per-view.

* Angle says Morgan kicked him so hard he lost feeling in his extremities and got knocked loopy. He said he broke up the pin because he thought Morgan was being pinned. Angle goes on to claim he was so out of it he didn’t realize he pinned Morgan. Angle offers Morgan another chance, teaming with him against Team 3D in a tables match. Morgan accepts the offer and leaves. The Main Event Mafia remains in the ring.

* Beer Money, Inc. b. IWGP Tag Team Champions The British Invasion w/Kiyoshi & Sheik Abdul Bashir in a non-title street fight. Robert Roode and Doug Williams both bled in the bout.

* Madison Rayne was attacked by Angelina Love when she was on her way to the ring for a match. Love beat Rayne down, put her in the ring and pinned her. Velvet Sky came down to put a bag over Madison’s head but Tara and Christy Hemme came out to make the save.

* Samoa Joe b. Homicide with a Muscle Buster to retain the TNA X Division Championship.