Corino Interview, Lethal, VKM, Nunzio, Upcoming Weekend Shows

Alan Wojcik: In December of 2007 you wrestled Harry (DH) Smith and Kofi Kingston in dark matches before Raw/Smackdown tapings. Were these tryout matches and if you were offered a deal would you have accepted it?

Steve Corino: Yep, they were tryout matches. I was actually up there to try out as a writer also. My style was not what they were looking for. I liked both matches with Harry and Kofi but the office didn’t. And it’s their company and if I am not what they are looking for then it’s their choice. I enjoyed myself. Got to see a bunch of the boys I usually don’t get to see much anymore and ate well! LOL. Would I have accepted a deal? Yep.

Alan Wojcik: As you mentioned earlier here is someone new in your life, Mr. Wrestling III. Why use the persona and how different is his wrestling style from Steve Corino?

Steve Corino: I have told this story many times over the last 18 months but basically I was in Hawaii in January of 2007 and met Mr. Wrestling II Johnny Walker. What a guy! This guy has forgotten more about pro-wrestling then I will ever learn! For some reason he took a liking to me. Remember I had already told everyone that I wanted to leave pro-wrestling at the end of 2007. When I returned to Hawaii a few months later, we talked about why he never endorsed a real Mr. Wrestling 3. By the end of the weekend he told me he would like me to be it. At first I thought about saying no (can you believe that?) because I wanted to be out of the business but the more we talked, the more I liked it. He wanted 3 to be different then both him and Tim Woods. I wasn’t a clone of them, I was the next chapter of "Mr. Wrestling". That to me is a tremendous honor.

Alan Wojcik: Last June you suffered a type 2 separation to your shoulder and a broken collarbone at the hands of Rick Landell. Besides your ear problems (thanks to Homicide) what is your current health status?

Steve Corino: Shoulder is a mess but I can’t complain. I still wake up every morning and do my thing.

Alan Wojcik: As we talk you have been working for the Puerto Rico based WWC (World Wrestling Council) for the past few months and currently hold the Universal Heavyweight championship. For fans that have never watched WWC, tell them the differences from US-based promotions like WWE or TNA.

Steve Corino: WWC is the last territory. Guys that come down here sometimes don’t realize that. Months ago we got this guy that was out of WWE developmental, who just thought he knew everything. It was crazy because at the end of the day, he knew nothing. Working here is easy and tough at the same time. Its not like the WWE or TNA where you are always working toward the PPV. Here in WWC you are trying to sell yourself every show, house or TV. We get paid based on how the houses are so when you are in front of that camera and have 45 seconds to get yourself, the title, and the match. It is a lot of fun. Plus how can you not like the beach?