Corino Interview, Lethal, VKM, Nunzio, Upcoming Weekend Shows

Alan Wojcik: If fans check out your website ( they will notice it’s not just your site. It is a site for the Corino wrestling family which includes Allison Danger, Are$ and a young man called “the Future” Colby Corino. What made you take control and change the site around to add these people and at age 13 Colby is wrestling exhibitions, please explain this to the fans who might be thinking this is child endangerment.

Steve Corino: I was tired of my last webmaster telling me that he didn’t have time to update it and how hard it was to do. So one day I got bored and went in and took it over. I am an idiot and figured it out. He was just lazy. I love working on the site because there is always something going on. And now including stuff that my sister, brother in law, and son are involved in makes it even more fun. The Corino’s will never be the Von Erich’s or Hart’s but we all love the sport and sharing our experiences.

Alan Wojcik: In addition to the site fans can add your Myspace to read the Corino Chronicles, which are long and entertaining. What won’t you talk about in the Chronicles?

Steve Corino: The Chronicles are my non-filtered thoughts on the world. I love doing them and they are just little things that happen in my world. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are irritating but always entertaining! You can read the Chronicles (#19 is about to go up) on and also read Allison Danger’s "Dangerous Thoughts" on the website.

Alan Wojcik: On your website I found an advertisement for the Dungeon & Revolution Puroresu Dojo. What led you to be part of it and how does your training method differ from other schools including the one you attended for training?

Steve Corino: The school is owned by Mark Mest, who I broke in with in 1994. This training center has been there for 17-18 years in the same spot. And we have two different programs. One is training hard with me and Ricky Reyes and also there is a program for people that want to try pro-wrestling or do it as a hobby. We work hard but produced a few good kids like Alex Anthony, Ryan Sawyer, and Kevin Payne. And even guys that were let go are back and learning more then ever. I am looking forward to helping out more once I am done my run in Puerto Rico. If people are interested in the school go to or call 610-916-1238 and talk to Mark.

Alan Wojcik: I would like to ask your thoughts and memories on your late mentor Shinya Hashimoto who passed away since our last interview.

Steve Corino: Hashimoto-san was an amazing man. The things he did for me personally even outweigh what he did for me professionally. I miss him everyday but know that he is proud of what I have done.

Alan Wojcik: Since we last talked several high profile wrestlers have passed away including Mike Awesome, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Sherri Martel and Andrew Martin. Vince McMahon says the business didn’t do it to them. Do you agree with his position and if you would like, please share any memories you have on the individuals mentioned.

Steve Corino: We are all masters of our own destiny. We can’t blame Vince McMahon for everything. It is always sad to see someone pass away and you want to blame everyone else but at the end of the day we have to watch our own lives. I didn’t know Benoit, Guerrero, or Test well. Just hi and bye stuff. Mike Awesome was a nice guy but had a lot of demons and Sherri was just a sweetheart. It sucks that they are all gone now but we all have to go forward.