Former WWE Star In Backstage Fight At Indy Show, Work Or Shoot?

Brian Trammel posted the following story & pictures at concerning a backstage fight involving former WWE star Brian Christopher.    Here’s it is………..



—-In the ring after his match with Seth Knight at DCW in Dyersburg, TN, Brian Christopher [heel tonight] called out Referee TJ because Knight had pinned him. Brian ended up hitting TJ a few times in the nuts and leaving. Apparently backstage TJ was upset and said that Brian was stiff. They were having words when apparently it went to blows with Christopher taking the advantage. Eyewitnesses then said that Bishop put Brian Christopher in a chokehold from behind and the boys pulled them apart.

—-After Bishop finished his match, he walked back into the dressing room. [thinking everything was ok] and Brian blindsided him with a pair of handcuffs. At that point they went at it again and were fighting on the floor and people separated them.

—-The next thing that happened was that they kept yelling at each other and Bishop ended up with a barbwire baseball bat hitting Brian in the face with it. And they went back down on the ground. Brian C was bleeding bad at this point. Brian put Bishop in a front facelock and then let him up after Bishop told him what he hit him with. They went face to face and finally backed off

—-At this point it was believed to have been stopped, but then Bishop came back towards Brian yelling and telling him that “Your daddy can’t save you this time.” Guys were holding Bishop back and then finally just let him loose. Then they were staring each other down again when Brian punched Bishop and Bishop punched back. They went at it again with them ending up with both Brian and Bishop on their knees with Bishop in a front facelock again. Dustin Starr went over to ask them both to call it quits. Brian was bleeding bad at this point.

—-By the time the show was over, Brian and Bishop were talking it over. There was even talk of making an angle out of it. That is when these photos were snapped. You can tell both guys had some lacerations, but Brian was a little "worse for wear" with his face puffy where the barbwire bat hit him. Brian was actually seen just a few moments ago in Perkins with Jon Michael and Christian Jacobs still in gimmick and bleeding talking about going to the “club”.

—-I will have the full report of the 4 hour show tomorrow with opinion of the matches along with other news coming out of the show.