Mick Foley Speaks on His Relationship With Vince, Talks Jumping Ship

The Baltimore Sun has conducted an interview with Mick Foley where he discusses many topics including his relationship with Vince McMahon, his decision to leave WWE and the Monday Night Wars.

Foley says, “There was a definite evolution in that for the first two years I was with WWE, I was somebody who worked there but who was not necessarily someone who was close at all with Mr. McMahon. That changed in â98, â99 and 2000…It became strained in 2001 when I felt like I had done everything that I could and was feeling a little bit like dead weight. Iâd say the relationship was definitely strained when I almost when to TNA �” strained to the point where I no longer felt comfortable going into Vinceâs office and pilfering food. So thatâs a telltale sign when you no longer feel comfortable taking free food from your boss; you know thereâs been a strain.”

On his decision jump ship and head to TNA: “I always felt like the wrestling business was better off with two viable mainstream promotions. I was extremely dedicated to WWE during the wrestling wars, but I came to feel that there should be more than one place, and I really had a lot of empathy for guys who were really good and worked really hard but didnât seem to fit into what it was that WWE was looking for in wrestlers…Probably better than anybody, I realized that I could have easily been one of those guys who was not seen as being a WWE-type guy. I thought I was in a position to change things a little bit in 2005, and did live with a little bit of guilt about not making the move. Therefore, when I had a chance to go in 2008, it seemed like a natural move to make.” To read the full interview, click here.