Update On Jake “The Snake” Being Drugged At an Indy Show

Tactical Public Relations issued the following release today concerning Jake “The Snake” Roberts:

Wrestling Great Jake “The Snake” Roberts Apparently Drugged

NEW YORK, NY, Sep 22, 2008 — Wrestling legend Jake “The Snake” Roberts was apparently drugged while working an independent wrestling show in Cleveland, Ohio on September 12th.

Prior to the show, Roberts had been offered a drink. As a recovering alcoholic he should not have accepted it. But the ramifications turned out to be far worse than potentially falling off of the wagon. Jake — who has always been candid with the public about the ups and downs of his life — seemingly accepted a drink that was drugged.

Roberts went on to wrestle in the promotion he was scheduled for. The video, ended up all over the Internet. His behavior did not appear to be that of someone who had one too many drinks. Instead, he appeared to be in an altered state that could best be described as incoherent.

The next morning Roberts awoke in his hotel room, with no recollection of participating in a wrestling match the previous night. Now, ten days after the event, his memory continues to be fuzzy and he is slowly getting back to himself.

“I have never been so frightened in my life. As a person who has struggled with alcoholism, I know what it is to have had one too many. This was something totally different. It is as if I am coming out of amnesia.”

Jake “The Snake” Roberts is a beloved, legendary figure in the wrestling world. Few wrestlers, past or present, command the attention and respect that he does. This incident should be a wake up call to all people that, “If it could happen to Jake, it could happen to you.”

Yearly, numerous people have illicit substances slipped into their drinks making them completely vulnerable to victimization. If a tough, 6’5″, 265 lbs veteran wrestler could be slipped a drugged drink than it could happen to anyone.

There is potential speculation that with the state of the economy as it is, an unscrupulous individual could have sought to make Jake look bad and in so doing possibly raise his or her stature in the wrestling world.

“This has been a terrifying experience. I do not want anyone else to have to go through this kind of thing,” he said.