Amy Hennig/Reid Flair Training Update, Hogan Loses Tape Battle

Thanks to for the following…Amy Hennig is currently training at Harley Race’s school and will shortly be debuting for his World League Wrestling promotion. The promotion is based out of Missouri.

Reid Flair is also training under George South as he was signed a while back to a WWE developmental deal, but was not sent to Florida Championship Wrestling. South is known for his days back in the 1980’s working as an enhancement talent for Jim Crockett Promotions.

You all remember the controversial matter regarding the taped conversations between Nick Hogan and his family while he was in prison being released. The Hogans tried to take it to court, but the decision was made that the tapes were “non-confidential”, therefore being available to the public.

Quick note: Brooke Hogan was recently spotted poolside with Hulk Hogan’s new girlfriend, Jennifer McDaniel. will be posting those pictures here on the site later today. Be sure to check back – they are definitely hot pictures. Well, Brooke is anyway. Brooke/Linda #2, a.k.a. McDaniel, looks pretty good too from the neck down.