More On Jeff Hardy’s House Fire – Matt Discovers Smoke

The following is from Jim Ross’ official blog:

The Jeff Hardy Saga continuesâ¦

Filed under: Personal ��” on March 15, 2008

The fall out of the 60 day suspension of Jeff Hardy for a second violation of the WWE Wellness Policy is still making news. Sadly, Friday night, Jeffâs home in North Carolina burned to the ground and he lost essentially every thing he had and most sadly his dog. Losing an animal one is close to is just like losing a family member to many people and we just experienced that with the death of our 18 year old cat Molly who had to be put down after suffering a serious of strokes.

Apparently Matt Hardy saw smoke coming from Jeffâs home on Friday night, discovered that no one was home, but arrived at the house too late to do any thing but watch it burn to the ground.

These are challenging times for Jeff to say the least. Not only has he incurred his second strike with only one remaining before he would be terminated from the WWE, his situation has been underscored by the fact that his suspension went public per the WWE policy, which went into effect on November 1 and with which I wholeheartedly agree. Now Jeffâs home has been destroyed with the heart breaking reality that his beloved dog died in the fire as well.

Jeffâs career can be rebuilt if he so chooses to committing to do such. This commitment cannot be a short term commitment, but a life time commitment that must see him take it one day at a time and have the expressed goal of being successful in 24 hours intervals. I am one that truly believes that Jeff can make this happen, especially if those close to him offer Jeff the kind of support that he needs and that he seeks the wisdom and advise of a counselor who can help Jeff understand why these life and career threatening mistakes are being made.

Jeffâs home can be rebuilt materially, as well, but his many personal affects now nothing more than a memory. I hope this tragedy doesnât push Jeff to the edge of the proverbial cliff to where his wrestling career becomes nothing more than a memory as well.

I grieve for the loss of the animal. I can only imagine what Jeff Hardy must be going through at this time. without question Jeff is being sternly tested. I hope he passes this test and the oneâs to come admirably.

You can read Jim’s full blog in its entirety at this link.