Sunny Confirmed For ROH, Royal Rumble, Bret Hart, & More

WWE’s official website has posted up a page listing past Royal Rumble winners at Chris Benoit’s win in 2004 isn’t listed. Although, there’s a “Fact and Figures” page that notes Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels as the only two competitors to draw the No. 1 spot and win the Royal Rumble. They even show a picture of Benoit putting the Crippler Crossface on Big Show.

Former WWE star Damian Demento has posted a new video rant on YouTube at This time he talks about wannabe pro wrestlers going to wrestling school. He says prospective wrestlers should get an education before they try out wrestling. He says that prospective wrestlers should try a real sport before they enter wrestling, but if they’re not athletic enough, to go to the military. He says wrestling should only include “tough guys” and no “pansies.” He feels the “pansies” should be weeded out.

The latest issue of WWE Magazine is a “Best Of” magazine. The magazine looks back on the year that was in WWE, and they hand out some awards.

Hart Nation, a reality show following Bret Hart’s ex-wife Julie & her kids Beans, Blade, Dallas and Jade, is said to be in pre-production. No word yet if it’s been picked up by anyone.

Courtesy of’s December 21st Newswire: December 21st: Tammy Sytch has just informed ROH officials that she will attend the 12/29 PPV taping in Manhattan. She wants to see what a ROH PPV taping is like live and in person. A deal was made and she will be available for autographs.