Orton’s $30,000 Vandalism Spree, Flair’s Lawsuit

According to the Charlotte Business Journal, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair has filed a lawsuit against his former business manager and other partners claiming they cheated he and his wife Beth out of $500,000 when an inVestment was made in The Forum at Ballantyna Commons office building, Charlotte.

In addition to the Razor Ramon-Shawn Michaels Internet exclusive, http://www.ringsidecollectibles.com are offering two Intercontinental championship belts and an orange ladder in an effort to re-create how the ladder match was at Wrestlemania X.

It was originally reported Friday that Randy Orton was sent home from the European tour for trashing a hotel room. The damage has been rumored to be estimated around $30,000. There has been talk that he will not be working next Sundayâs Backlash PPV. This has yet to be confirmed.