Sabu Torches Funk, Shaq-Taker, Angle, & More News

Sabu torched Dory Funk with a fireball during a main match taped at the Funking Conservatory in Florida on May 28 for Dory Funk Jr.’s online BANG TV show. The press release from the Funking Conservatory stated that Dory had applied his twisting toehold when Sabu delivered a fireball to the face, which scorched Dory’s face with “a raw open burn.” The Funking Conservatory said, “Dory has no eyebrows left and burn spots all over his head, neck, and even his arms. Right now, it appears all is going to be fine and the burn spots will heal.” The angle is expected to play out over several weeks as Dory debates whether he should press charges against Sabu for the damage.

Many readers sent us word today that a profile for Jack Black’s character Ignacio a.k.a Nacho in the new “Nacho Libre” film is up on and listing him as a SmackDown Superstar. Thanks to everyone who passed that along.

The Sun Sentinel has an interview up with Shaquille O’Neal talking about his recent weight loss and dropping of body fat. In the interview, Shaq gave credit to his “wrestling buddies” for help with the weight loss. “I asked them what they were, and they were actually under that. I called Undertaker and big guys like that. If they could do it, I could do it.”

Rajiv sent word that on Kurt Angle’s official website it lists an interview he recently conducted with the new “Real Fighter Magazine” talking about MMA.